Home Page


Catholic Vagabond aims to be a small guiding light on the internet; especially for those of you who are trying to grow in your faith and are searching for a deeper meaning in a world that is oftentimes too superficial.

If you were born into a Catholic family, raised culturally Catholic, but otherwise were or are Catholic in name only, then this may be the blog for you. Because I was the same! You might also want to subscribe to this website if you love God and the Catholic faith and are interested in learning more about what makes Catholicism beautiful.

Purpose of Catholic Vagabond

I’m choosing to have this website function as a space to explore many of the things that help give the Catholic faith depth, things such as: Catholic culture, artwork (visual and written), and the saints. I’m also going to use this space as an outlet for self-reflection on my own faith journey.

God speaks to us in many ways. I’m choosing to focus on the aforementioned aspects of Catholicism because they have helped me come to know and love God and they continue to help me.

Additionally, though I may touch on apologetics, theology, or catechesis in the “reflection” portion of this website here and there, they won’t be the central focus. I love all of these topics; however, I am not an expert and there are plenty of websites that cover these subject in great detail.

Catholic Vagabond?

Through prayer and discernment, I decided to use the pen name Catholic Vagabond. I felt that it was the best option for me to identify with the content I put out. I also had the sentiment that writing under a pseudonym would help me stay semi-anonymous on the internet, and help me stay focused on the writing. In a time when social media makes it easy to put a spotlight on yourself, I want to shine a light on God and my faith. After all, I’m just a lay Catholic with an appreciation for God and the church, so I’m just using this as a way to give back. I hope you enjoy this website. Cheers!